We love questions. Especially the frequently asked ones. There is nothing worse than an unhelpful FAQ section so we’ve tried really hard to cover everything off here but if there’s anything we missed, just drop us an email here.
Our 3 most common questions
How do I change my donation amount?
You are in full control of how much you give, so if your financial situation changes, there's no need to leave us, simply lower your regular amount, if you want to raise your amount, that's super easy too. If you donate via online banking, just login to your own online banking, find your recurring payment to us and edit the dollar amount, we’ll take care of the rest from there. In case you need a reminder of our bank details, here they are below:
One Percent Collective Trust
If you donate via credit card, just login to your One Percent Collective donor account here and edit the amount under the 'Your Donation' tab. If you haven’t logged into your account before, you will first have to set a password here.
If you donate via Payroll Giving, simply ask your employer or payroll team to adjust the amount deducted through payroll.
How can I review or change which partner charities I support?
This can be done by logging into your donor account here and changing which charities you support under the 'Your Charities' tab. If you haven’t logged into your account before, you will first have to set a password here. Or simply email us here, tell us the changes you’d like to make and we’ll take care of the rest from there. You can learn all about our current partner charities here.
How do I find my annual donation receipt at the end of each financial year?
We will email your annual summary donation receipt in the first few weeks of April each year. It will be sent to the email address you registered under. Sometimes the algorithm monsters send our emails to the junk folder, so just search emails from crew@onepercentcollective.org and you should find it there. If not, just email us on and we'll get it to you.
Remember you can claim up to a third of your donations back from IRD as a tax rebate if you are a taxpayer in NZ, so it's very important that you receive this receipt each year. If you’re not too fussed about claiming your rebate and would rather that money was directed back to your chosen charities, Supergenerous can help with that.
You might require our IRD number for your rebate form, it is: 105 469 411.
If you are a technophobe, no problem, just email us and we can sort any of the above out for you :)
Personal Giving
How can I donate my 1%?
You can donate 1% of your income via online banking or credit card, plus you can choose what frequency suits you best. Your donations are processed through One Percent Collective but 100% of the money goes directly to your chosen charities. With credit cards there is a 2.9% + 30c transaction fee, we give you the option to cover those fees so your charities get 100% of your donation. Joining takes less than 5 minutes, give your 1% here.
How do I donate via Online Banking?
Donating your 1% via online banking is the easiest and most popular way for those based in New Zealand as you are in full control and you avoid fees. Once you’ve filled in the sign up form and chosen the charity or charities you’d like to support, you will be provided with our account details so you can simply hop over to your online banking site and set up your donation for the amount and frequency you chose. If you choose to donate via online banking, a receipt of all your donations will be emailed to you at the end of the tax year. This way you can claim a third of your money back at the end of the tax year if you are a taxpayer in New Zealand. Set up your donation here.
Do I have to donate exactly 1%?
We’re not big believers in rules and regulations around here. One Percent Collective is built on three values; Be Open, Be Human, Be Real. There is no mandatory donation amount but we believe that 1% is something that everyone can spare. We have many people donating more than 1% so in the end it’s down to you to decide but we do encourage you to give at least 1% if you can.
Does One Percent Collective take a cut?
We can if you want but we won't if you don't. One of the reasons some people don't support charities is because they're not sure how much of their donation actually goes towards the cause. If it's important to you that the charities you choose get every cent of your support, we make that happen. That's the default setting when you sign up. The bulk of our running costs are covered by business sponsors, foundations and The Future 70 (70 generous humans giving $20 per week towards our running costs) Then there are Friends of the Collective – they’re donors who are happy for a % of their regular donations to go towards our admin costs. Most fundraising platforms in NZ have a compulsory fee of 5% to 10%. Friends of the Collective are free to choose a percentage that feels right to them and it’s entirely optional. That way, they know EXACTLY how much of their donation goes to their charities.
Can I set up my donation through payroll giving?
While payroll giving is a super simple system for employees, it's a wee bit tricky on our end to see which individual is making the donation. Because of this all payroll giving donations will be shared evenly between all our current partner charities. If you'd prefer to select your exact charities, please use online banking or credit card payments through our regular [sign up form]. If you are happy to continue with payroll giving and to share your donation amongst all partner charities, then you absolutely can as long as your employer is happy to set this up for you. First step is to ask them if they support payroll giving. If they say yes, please click here to download a one page PDF which will explain how to set it up. If they say no, you may have to donate via online banking or credit card instead.
How do I change my donation amount?
If you are paying by online banking, simply login to your own online banking, find your recurring donation payment and update the amount. If you are paying by credit card you can login to your account here and update your amount through the payment plan section. Alternatively if you hate remembering passwords and logins, just email us here, tell us the new amount and we'll update it for you.
My bank account has changed, what do I do?
You simply need to ensure your old automatic payment from your old bank is cancelled, then set up a new automatic payment from your new account. If you don't have our bank account number handy, you can simply search us in the new payee field of your online banking (we are registered with most NZ banks). Or alternatively, here's our account number to copy below, simply add your surname in the reference field.
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Can I take a giving holiday for a while?
We totally understand that life happens and sometimes you need to take a small break from giving, we like to call it a giving holiday. All you need to do is:
- Email us here to let us know how long you’d like to take a break for. That way we can send you a wee reminder email at the end of your giving holiday.
- If donating via online banking, simply login to your own online banking and pause or delete your automatic payment.
- If donating via credit card, we will edit the payment details in our system.
- If donating via payroll giving, simply ask your employer or payroll team to pause the amount deducted through payroll for the giving holiday time period.
If you are a technophobe, no problem, just email us here and we can help you out with any of the above :)
How do I cancel my donation?
We'd be sad to see you go, but we understand that we all have different commitments in life and things change! You can login to your account here and simply cancel your current donation plan, otherwise just email us and we can cancel it for you. If you donate via online banking you need to delete your automatic payment through your own personal online banking. If you donate via credit card, we will cancel your donations.
How do I claim my tax rebate in New Zealand?
If you are a New Zealand taxpayer you can claim up to a third of your donation back at the end of the tax year. We will send you a donation receipt each April. This receipt is to be returned to the IRD along with an IR526 form. The IRD will send you this form, however you'll find you can also do this online at the end of each tax year. If you have a myIR account, you can digitally submit your annual donation receipt via myIR and won’t have to complete a paper form. IRD will then automatically calculate the credit and pay it into your bank account within three weeks. If you have made your donation in a company name you can also claim against your donation. If you are fortunate enough to have an accountant take care of all the numbers then just pass your donation receipt on to them.
Can my tax rebate be redirected back to the charities I support?
Yep – and you don’t even have to take care of that yourself.
We’ve partnered with Supergenerous. For a small fee, they will track down any rebates you’re owed and transfer the balance to the charities you have supported. Click here to get that process started.
Can I claim a tax rebate if I don't live in New Zealand?
Sadly, unless you are a New Zealand taxpayer you cannot claim any rebate on your One Percent Collective donation. Instead you shall just have to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for how awesome you are.
What is One Percent Collective's IRD number?
You may be asked for our IRD number when claiming your tax rebate. Our IRD number is 105 469 411.
How do I change which charity or charities I support?
You can change which charity or charities you donate to at any time by logging into your account here and simply ticking your new selection of charities. Or simply email us and we'll update your account for you.
How do you select partner charities?
We work with Kiwi-based charities who meet our criteria, believe in our Collective values and meet our commitments. They’re annually reviewed by our board of trustees and receive regular untagged funding to do their thing. You can see all the criteria here.
About Us
How does One Percent Collective cover its operating costs?
We tried street miming and dog walking but market demand for both services was pretty low. Instead, we came up with an innovative idea to tap into the collective generosity of some incredible individuals and cover all our startup costs in one go. We called it the Founding 40. Forty one-off donations of $20 per week for one year. That helped us bring One Percent Collective into the world.
We adapted that model for our continued core costs, with a group of 70 who form The Future 70 – each donating $20 a week on an ongoing basis. We are also extremely lucky to have generous business sponsors who help cover our running costs. You can read all about them here.
Post-pandemic, as the cost of EVERYTHING went up, we surveyed the Collective for suggestions of how we can remain financially sustainable. It turned out a number of donors were happy for a percentage of their donations to help with that. We call these generous souls Friends of the Collective. Becoming a Friend of the Collective is completely optional and you get to choose the percentage of your donation that is diverted to keeping the lights on at One Percent Collective.
Without the generosity of the Future 70, business sponsors, occasional grants from foundations, and Friends of the Collective, we would not be able to do what we do.
How do I unsubscribe from updates?
Blast! We’re sorry we didn’t make it interesting enough to keep you. Don’t forget that this is the place you’ll find our One Percent Collective charity impact stories, inspiring interviews and events. However, if that’s not your thing and you still want to unsubscribe, you will find the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any past newsletters you have received from us.
Can I read your privacy policy?
You sure can. View it here.
Business Giving
How is business giving different to personal giving?
Short answer – it’s exactly the same but tweaked for businesses. Longer answer, businesses love to give too and have been asking for tools to make this easier. We’ve made some changes to our sign up process and are doing our bit to help businesses give effortlessly (just like personal giving!)
How can my business donate 1%?
You can donate 1% of your business’ income via bank transfer or credit card, plus you can choose what frequency suits you best. Donations are processed through One Percent Collective but 100% of the money goes directly to your chosen charities. With credit cards there is a 2.9% + 30c transaction fee, we give you the option to cover those fees so your charities get 100% of your donation. Donations via bank transfer incur no fees. Joining takes less than 5 minutes, give your 1% here.
How can my business donate via Bank Transfer?
Donating your 1% via bank transfer is the easiest and most popular way for businesses based in New Zealand as you are in full control and you avoid fees. Once you’ve filled in the sign up form and chosen the charities your business would like to support, we’ll provide you with our account details so you can simply hop over to your online banking site and set up your donation. If you choose to donate via bank transfer, a receipt of all your donations will be emailed to you at the end of the tax year (so you can just forward it to your accountant!). Sign up here.
How do I calculate 1% of my business income?
This is entirely up to you. You could choose to donate 1% of revenue, gross profit, net profit… or some other number entirely. It’s your call.
Do we have to donate exactly 1%?
We’re not big believers in rules and regulations around here. The One Percent Collective is built on three values; Be Open, Be Human, Be Real. There is no mandatory donation amount and we won’t be checking or auditing any numbers. You can pick whatever suits your business best.
What if our business’ 1% changes each year?
We know that business income can vary from month to month and year to year. This is why your 1% is controlled by you at all times. If you are paying by bank transfer, simply login to your own online banking, find your recurring donation payment and update the amount.
Alternatively, if you are paying by credit card you can login to your account here and update your amount through the payment plan section. If you don’t know or can’t remember your log-in details, just send us an email.
My business pays by bank transfer and has changed banks, what do I do?
You simply need to ensure your old automatic payment from your business’ old bank is cancelled, then set up a new automatic payment from the new account. If you don't have our bank account number handy, we've popped it below.
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Does One Percent Collective take a cut?
Nope, 100% of all donations processed through One Percent Collective go directly to your chosen charity or charities. We are adamant that 100% of all donations reach your chosen charities and not a penny be spent on running One Percent Collective. This is why we take no cut from donations and instead find more creative ways to cover all our running costs such as the Future 50, foundations and corporate sponsors.
My business income varies up and down, what if we need to take a giving holiday for a while?
We totally understand that this happens and sometimes you may need to take a small break from giving, we like to call it a giving holiday. Just email us to let us know.
My business already gives via a personal One Percent Collective account. Do I need to switch to a Business account?
From a giving perspective, the only difference you'll see is that all correspondence will be in your business' name. You don't have to switch but if you'd like to, just email us and we'll fix it up.
What if we need to stop our business giving?
We'd be sad to see you go, but we understand that circumstances change! You can login to your account here and simply cancel your current donation plan, otherwise just email us and we can cancel it for you.
If you donate via bank transfer you will need to delete your automatic payment through your business’ online banking. If you donate via credit card, we will cancel your donations.
How does business giving get treated at tax time in New Zealand?
We had a chat to our accountant and here’s what they had to say:
“There are two different ways donations are treated and it depends on the size of the company’s shareholding.
Firstly, ‘close companies’ are defined in the income tax act here. Basically, if a company has 5 or fewer people or other companies owning the majority of the company, it’s a ‘close company’.
For these close companies, they can claim the full amount of the donations they’ve made up to the amount of their net profit for the year. E.g. if they have made a net profit of $1,000 and made donations of $1,100, they would be able to claim the donations up to $1,000, making their net profit for the year after donations nil.
For all other companies, they can claim a limited deduction for donations or gifts made throughout the year. The limitation is 5% of their net profit before the donations were made. E.g. if a company has a net profit of $1,000 they will be able to claim donations up to the value of $50 as tax deductible expenses for the year. If you’re interested in knowing more, the income tax act section is DB 41."
We're definitely not the people to give advice on this so if you need some more clarity, we’d highly recommend having a chat to your accountant.
Otherwise, we can tell you a couple of things for certain; 1) One Percent Collective Trust is a registered charity in New Zealand with donee status, and 2) we’ll do all we can to make things easier by sending you one donation receipt to cover all your business’ donating through us.
Join the Collective with your 1%
Support any number of our 15 partner charities and make an impact on the lives of thousands in Aotearoa and beyond. Joining takes less than 5 minutes.