10 Years of giving a %

November 20, 2022

10 years of giving a % image

We launched in 2012 with 6 partner charities. 10 years later there are 16 charities on board (20 when we include alumni charities) and a collective of over 700 Kiwis have raised over $3.3 million by regularly giving 1% of their income. Those dollars have made a difference to thousands of lives and the environment across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Thank you to all donors, past and present. Every dollar you’ve donated has been passed on to the charities you support. That’s thanks to our running costs being covered by The Future 70 (70 people giving $20 per week), our current business sponsors FNZ, 1000minds, Klim Type Foundry, The Original Cocoa Traders, Sam Newble, and past business sponsors Real Steel Ltd, PaySauce, Trade Me, Flick Electric Co., Kāpura (Formerly Wellington Hospitality Group), and BizDojo.

One Percent Collective exists to inspire generosity and simplify regular giving. In 2009, I stood on top of a rubbish dump with migrant and refugee kids who had escaped the brutal government of Myanmar to the relative safety of Thailand. It opened my eyes to the importance of giving a % and supporting other humans in this world. When I saw the needs of those kids, knowing how much a dollar could do, I challenged myself to inspire a community around the concept of collective generosity and to simplify regular giving. One Percent Collective was born.

In the first 12 months, the Collective raised $41,000. In the past 12 months we’ve raised $718,000. That’s $1,967 per day! That’s collective generosity in action.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped make One Percent Collective happen.


Founder & Chief Doer of Things.

Join One Percent Collective with your 1%

We’ve partnered with 15 trusted Kiwi-based charities. Choose one, some, or all. Tell us how much you want to give and how often. Set up once, then we’ll do the rest. Easy!

JOIN the collective NOW